"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face..."I cor. 13:12
It is a humbling thing to come to the sudden realization that we only know things in part. Our knowledge is incomplete...and always will be. In such a realization, that can breed frustration or ...give way...to curiosity.
To know that we can only see from our vantage point, makes our need for collaboration essential. It is a stark reality to know that all knowledge about the individuals that we support lie...outside of us. This makes our need for humility...essential.
The essence of all effective peer support work lies in this realization. We come face-to-face with true effectiveness in our support of individuals in the moment we are silenced and we allow the individual to speak. Our effectiveness begins at the moment we become "the student" and the individual becomes "the teacher".
This realization lies at the heart of person-centered thinking and planning. We, in the recovery movement, must allow the individual to be our "True North". All we need to know to support them lies...with them. All of our decision-making, planning and priorities must revolve around that individual and their wellness.
Humility must be practiced in a sustained way. The realization that we only know in part...can give way to wonder, mystery, and a "fiery" curiosity to the questions and challenges of life.
Then we come face-to-face with the mystery...of the individual...and true effectiveness.
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