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I find it interesting that nutrition can contribute to some degree of psychosis, but I feel that would have to be caused during the childhood phase of development. Once a human being has developed to be an adult regression to psychosis would be impossible unless if there was a severe brain trauma

Bryan Creech


Thank you for your response. The spirit behind this post was to give visibility to the recognition that "food=medicine". There is an emerging science of "nutraceuticals" (see link: http://ow.ly/FUNig ) that seeks to show the connection between nutrition and mental wellness. This is what I was hoping to highlight. I would point you to Sharon Young for further explanation on this in her webinar. Cooper Riis ( www.cooperriss ) is a progressive healing community that is actively showing the benefits of this on a daily basis.

It seems that nutrition at early stages might have long-lasting effects. Certainly where I live in NC we are seeing early onset of diabetes as well as obesity in young children which also how this may contribute to depression in some children and adolescents. The causal link I am sure will continue to be researched.

The mind-body connection is a fascinating one and I hope for the day that both diet and exercise will be seen as powerful modalities of treatment. They have been in my own life as you read my recovery story here on my blog.

Thank you for your contribution.

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